Erotic Fiction - Hamper Relief: How My Panty Obsession Began
A true story by JazzJ2 In my early twenties, I was one horny guy. Not long after marrying Jane I realized I hadn’t changed much: I still needed …
"I have a really dirty mind, mouth, and imagination" - Juicylucy15 Interview
Hi, I am Lucy (Jucyluicy15 on here). I work full time and this is something I enjoy doing as a part-time job. PD: How long have you been selling p…
How to Get Paid Selling Panties: 10 Tried and Tested Payment Methods
Newcomers to the panty selling business will wonder “How do I get paid to sell panties”? And it’s a good question. With used underwear mostly being an…
Erotic Hypnosis: Are Hands-free Orgasms Real?
You may think of hypnosis as being something magicians do on TV shows. Far from it! It’s come a long way since then, and erotic hypnosis is one of the…
"I buy for the thrill of it" - Interview with a Used Panties Buyer
Pantydeal was lucky enough to go behind the scenes with regular used panty buyer Wolf_Ohmsford. What does he have to say about the perfect panty selle…
10 DIY BDSM Toys You Wish You Knew About Sooner
If you didn’t know already, your home is full of household items that double as DIY BDSM toys. Anything’s possible if you put your mind to it! A homem…
Who Has The Most Sexually Active Culture? 13 Facts About Sex Worldwide
Are French people really excellent lovers? What are the least sexually active countries worldwide? What country has the most sex? And what on earth do…
What is Orgasm Anxiety and How Do I Overcome It?
If there’s one question that’s asked time and time again, it’s “Did you come?”. As much as this question shows your lover cares about you reaching cli…
"It's more of a hobby than a job for me" - BlondeKushx Interview
Hi! I'm Alexa. I go by BlondeKushx, but some of you may know me as FitBlonde420. PD: How long have you been selling panties? I've been selling my…
How to Use a Vibrator: 11 New Ways to Enjoy Your Vibe
Sex toys, which once existed only in the darkest depths of our bedside drawers, have become a normal part of sex-culture. What with love eggs and dild…
Our Average Number of Sexual Partners - And Why it Doesn’t Matter
The cute stranger in the bar finally walks over to you and asks the question: “What’s your number?”. “My phone number?” you respond, excitedly. “No,” …
Do Women Watch Porn? 14 Surprising Facts About Female Porn Habits
Yes, women do watch porn - and we’ve got the statistics to prove it! But what kind of porn do women watch? Let’s find out. Porn is typically associat…