"I'm here cuz I want to be here" - Cocofit2 Interview
Hi, my name is Rose, aka Cocofit2. My grandma gave me the nickname Coco when I was little. Also, I've stayed very fit my whole life, so cocofit was a very natural "fit" for a nickname!

PD: How long have you been selling panties?
I started selling panties accidentally, exactly two years ago. I was selling my old workout clothes on eBay when a buyer asked for my old panties... one thing led to another, and two years later here I am at #3 on the top list of sellers on pantydeal.com.
PD: Does selling your panties impact your sex life?
I think selling my panties has turned me into an even more sexual being that I was beforehand. I love the rush of someone getting turned on by smelling my used panties, looking at my pics, or watching my custom vids!
PD: Are you in a relationship? If so, do you share your panty selling with your partner?
I'm single and quite happy! I love my freedom, plus I can't really imagine a boyfriend, husband, or significant other being truly okay with their partner selling their panties. But then again, that's just me. I could be totally wrong! So if there are any single guys out there looking for a girlfriend, hit me up!

PD: How did you first hear about used panty selling? And Pantydeal?
When I first heard about selling panties, it was by an awesome buyer, and now a dear friend on PD named Bill. He heard about me getting banned from eBay for selling panties, and he's the one who told me about Pantydeal, so thanks, Bill! I think we all owe you one sweetie!
PD: What was your first impression of panty selling?
My first impression of selling panties was a rush of endorphins, empowerment, and tingling inside. Knowing I can excite another human being by the look of my body and my dirty panties is a rush! Also, being offered $90 for my first pair was cool too! Lol
PD: Do you speak about your panty selling business with your family or friends? If so, what do they think?
The reason I don't show my face is to protect my identity. I work in the fitness/nutrition industry full time in Los Angeles, California, and I imagine this kinky, fetish, fun lifestyle of mine wouldn't go over well with some of my judgmental clients. So only my really close friends know what I do here on PD, they're really supportive, and that makes me happy!
PD: What is the funniest thing that has happened to you when speaking with a customer?
The funniest thing I can remember while talking to a client on Pantydeal would be the time I was on a FaceTime live chat, when my dog jumped on the bed, knocked over the camera and tripod, broke my brand new phone and then started licking the screen. The client and I chatted the next day about it, he was a good sport.

PD: Many sellers say they often end up becoming friends with or listeners for buyers, as they feel such a connection with them. Have you experienced this?
Pantydeal has provided me so so so many close relationships with buyers, many who I consider my very close friends! Pantydeal has been so fun for me, I really enjoy what I do here!
PD: What's your secret to success as a panty seller?
I'm here cuz I want to be here. That's my secret to success on PD, plain and simple. I love what I do, and I enjoy chatting and having fun while living life to the fullest, I couldn't be happier!
PD: How long do you think you will keep selling your panties?
I'll keep selling panties until nobody wants to buy my stuff. Lol! That sounds so sad when I say it! But it's the truth, I stumbled into all this on accident two years ago and love every bit of it. When I stop getting requests for panties, pics, and vids... that will be the day I hang up my g string. Lol... I'm having too much fun with this interview.

PD: Is there anything that would make you stop selling your panties in the future?
I'm only 24 years old, and I think I've got a long panty selling future ahead of me here on PD. I can't think of any reason to stop, so like I said, I won't stop as long as people like what I'm doing.