BDSM Porn Statistics: Who’s Searching for What?
World BDSM day is right around the corner (July 24th). Have you got your handcuffs ready? With that in mind we’re going to find out, once and for all, what types of BDSM kinks we’re all into behind the scenes and what BDSM categories are most popular.
Specifically, we’re sharing Pornhub’s statistics that show what BDSM terms are most commonly searched for and who exactly is searching for them.

Ready to find out how kinky your demographic really is?
11 Porn Facts: What are the most commonly searched BDSM categories?
1. Most searched-for BDSM terms? “Bondage”, “slave”, and “latex”.
So, the most popular BDSM categories on Pornhub are “bondage”, “slave”, and “latex”. These are only beaten by the search term “BDSM” itself. They’re closely followed by “spanking”, “submissive”, and “lesbian domination”.
2. Women are 86% more likely to look for BDSM porn than men
Is this a surprise to anyone? Here at Pantydeal, we know that women are kinky, and we know that most women enjoy porn on a regular basis.
3. Women are way more likely to search for “gay BDSM” than men
In fact, women are 163% more likely to look for gay types of BDSM porn than men. If you’re shocked, let us remind you that Pornhub found over one-third of gay male porn is viewed by women and that four of the ten most searched porn stars by women are gay men.

4. There are particular BDSM categories women are very into
What are the most popular BDSM porn types among women? Female visitors to Pornhub are overwhelmingly into content that includes the terms “spanked and fingered”, “daddy spank”, and “spanking punishment”. Erotic spanking seems to be a theme…
5. Users over the age of 55 are the most likely to search for BDSM content
In fact, users over the age of 65 are searching for BDSM-related terms 13% more than other age groups.
6. Users between 35-44 are the least likely age group to search for BDSM porn
And 18 to 24-year-olds are more likely to search for types of BDSM content than 25 to 54-year-olds. But still not as likely as the 55 plus group!
7. “Latex” is searched for more than “leather”
These are two common material fetishes and it seems that latex beats leather in the competition between them!

8. BDSM porn is searched for the most in European countries
BDSM porn category terms are looked for more in Europe compared to other continents. And especially in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands.
9. However, users in Hong Kong are enjoying BDSM porn 61% more than others
Despite BDSM porn being enjoyed most in Europe, Pornhub users from Hong Kong are most likely to search for BDSM in the world. They search for it 61% more than the world average.
10. Users in the US search for BDSM porn 13% less than the world average
But within the US, the states with the highest number of people searching for BDSM terms are from Vermont and Oregon, followed by New Hampshire and Maine.
11. 1.5% of all Pornhub searches are BDSM related
While this might not seem like a big percentage, given how many people are searching for porn every single day, that’s actually a very large number of people.

So, what have we learned? We’ve learned the most popular BDSM search terms on Pornhub, and that both women and the older generation are into kinky stuff more than we thought...