A Guide to Types of Lesbians: Labels & Lifestyles
Whether you’re a queer ally or a baby gay, this brief guide to types of lesbians will help you learn something.
Before we dive in, let’s get something clear: a question like What’s your lesbian type? isn’t about reducing a woman to her sexuality or to superficial traits like height or hair color.
These terms (and many more that couldn’t be squeezed in) were proudly created and still used by the lesbian community. They offer a playful and accurate insight into the rich array of gender expressions, desires, interests, energies, personal styles, and relationship dynamics that exist among lesbians.
Understanding different types of lesbians can be a great starting point for newer queers to understand their identity outside the heterosexual world.
A person may fit one, two, three, or none of these categories. Lesbian types, as with any identity category, exist on a fluid spectrum that changes with time. Let’s dive in!

What is a Chapstick lesbian? Different types of Lesbian Identities Explained
Butch lesbians aren’t afraid to defy gender expectations and embrace a strong, masculine energy and style.
Their style typically has an edge of 90s motorcycle rebels - think buzzcuts, leather jackets, and tattoos and they’re more likely to take a dominant role in relationships and lesbian sex.
This type of lesbian is about more than aesthetics. Butch lesbians have a long history in the queer community and roots in resistance.
A masc lesbian is an umbrella term for any lesbian who leans into a typically masculine vibe, whether that’s in their style, energy, or tone of voice.
This type of lesbian identity isn’t about wearing a suit. It’s about an individual embracing whatever masculine traits in whatever way feels right.

Stud is a type of lesbian on the masculine end of the spectrum that belongs to the Black lesbian community.
While some stud lesbian style overlaps with butch lesbians (short hair, no makeup, etc), they bring a blend of ultramasculinity and Black cultural masculinity that is uniquely cool, confident, and effortless.
Wondering where to find sporty babes? Head out to your local field, court, or gym.
The sporty lesbian has a specific style: sportswear. And, unsurprisingly, they care about healthy lifestyles. They also pull off sweatpants and a baseball cap like you wouldn’t believe.
The chapstick type of lesbian is beloved in the queer community. She’s sort of masc, sort of femme, sort of non-binary, sort of whatever she feels.
The overall vibe is low-maintenance and natural, hence the symbolic ‘chapstick.’ People who identify with this type tend to reject a recognizable or try-hard style, opting instead for a down-to-earth look that suits a practical, earthy lifestyle.

Stem (stud-fem) is a unique lesbian identity that lies somewhere between femme, chapstick, and stud and is exclusive to the Black and Latinx lgbtq communities.
The stem style veers towards ‘tomboyish’ or contain elements of soft butch but isn’t limited to either masc or femme gender expressions.
The femme lesbian embraces all things feminine - long hair, soft vibes, great smells - whatever that means to them.
This kind of feminine expression is not for the male gaze. Femme lesbians might rock pink or plaits in a way that is self-aware and subversive.
The lipstick lesbian is femme but mega-dialed up.
She loves everything girly and glamorous (including, you guessed it, lipstick) and incorporates femininity into her expression and way of being in the world, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to take charge.

Black cat
This type of lesbian identity is a new phenomenon that is more about attitude than style.
The black cat lesbian shares qualities with a black cat. She’s introverted, mysterious, feminine, and sexy, and you don’t want to get on the wrong side of her.
Pillow princess
A pillow princess is a specific type of lesbian bottom. She loves nothing more than lying back and letting her partner take control (and do all the work).
Essentially, she prefers receiving sexual pleasure over giving it.
Pillow princesses are often (though not always femme) and range from sweet to bratty and everything in between.
Gold star
A gold star lesbian is a lesbian who’s never had sex with a man (see also: Gold star gay).
Some lesbians take pride in this status, but it’s controversial for obvious reasons. Sexuality can and does change over time, and having sex with a man doesn’t make you any less of a lesbian if that’s your orientation.
Baby gay
A baby gay or baby queer is anyone in the queer community who is newly out. They’re new to queer dating and queer sex.
She’s discovering lesbian bars with fresh, excited eyes and hasn’t yet figured out what type of lesbian she is or into.

This introduction to lesbian slang isn’t comprehensive or limiting.
These lesbian types are a soft guide for anyone who’s new to the scene, trying to understand the landscape of queer dating or curious about exploring their lesbian identity.
Remember: identities and labels are about finding whatever feels right for you. And this may change over time. Have fun with it!
If you want to keep learning, discover our dictionary of polyamory terms, sex and gender identity terms.