Do Women Watch Porn? 14 Surprising Facts About Female Porn Habits
Yes, women do watch porn - and we’ve got the statistics to prove it! But what kind of porn do women watch? Let’s find out.
Porn is typically associated with men - in particular, teenage boys, Playboy magazines, and old socks. But that old stereotype is slowly being pushed out the door - by sexually free women everywhere. Now it’s time to get some facts straight: how many women watch porn? How often do we watch it? And what exactly are we typing into that search bar during those lust-filled late hours?
Everyone watches porn.
Yes, women watch porn, but so does everyone else! And the amount of it we’re watching is on the rise. A recent study found that porn sites get more visitors each month than Twitter, Netflix, and Amazon combined. The world’s largest free porn site received over 42,000,000,000 visits in 2019. And around 25% of all internet search engine requests are related to porn or the adult industry. Does sex rule the world? Absolutely.
Good news: women-centered porn is on the rise!
There is, of course, lots of debate around porn. But the rise in female porn watchers, as well as sites that center around feminist porn, female pleasure, and porn for women, is positive progress for female sexual liberation. Porn can be a great way for women to learn about their bodies and desires, to gain sexual confidence, and to reclaim sex as something that brings them, as opposed to just their partner, pleasure.

So, do women watch porn? Definitely! Here are 10 things you didn’t know about women's sexy-solo-screen-time.
1. In the US, 30% of visitors to Pornhub are women.
That’s 3 in 10 users! Do only men watch porn? No way. How many women watch porn? A lot! In fact, Pornhub Insights found that the percentage of female users on their site grew by 3 percentage points in 2019, suggesting this figure could keep rising.
2. Women spend more time watching porn than men.
That’s right! There might be fewer women watching porn, but when we do, we take our time. A study found that women spend 1:14 minutes longer on Pornhub than men. Is this because it typically takes women longer to orgasm? Or because women tend to spend longer watching a video with a story, instead of diving straight into the action? Let us know, ladies!
3. 1 in 3 women watches porn at least once a week.
Watching porn more regularly than doing laundry? Totally normal. In fact, encouraged.

4. What kind of porn do women watch? Lesbian!
Thanks to Pornhub Insights, we know that women love watching women-on-women action. Lesbian was the most popular pornhub category for females in 2019, followed by Japanese, then Threesome. For men, at the top was Japanese, followed by Amateur, then Mature.
5. Women’s favorite type of video: oral sex!
Specifically, “Pussy Licking”. This isn’t surprising when you think about the fact this act is focussed on total female pleasure. This was closely followed by Solo Male and Fingering.
6. Gay men make up 4 of the 10 most searched for porn stars by women.
When it comes to what kind of porn do women watch, did this surprise you? This backs up a previous statistic that found that 37% of gay male porn on Pornhub was being viewed by women. Is there any better way for a hetero woman to get a good long look at a gorgeous man than gay male porn?

7. Compared to women all over the globe, US women are most likely to watch Ebony, Interracial, and Latina porn.
Again, we have to thank Pornhub Insights for this one. They also found, in a study that looked at the top relative categories viewed by women in each US state, Latina came out on top in Texas, Florida, Nevada, and New Mexico, and Small Tits won popularity in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Threesome videos are most watched by women in parts of the West, Midwest, and Northeast.
8. British women are 31% more likely to watch Rough Sex.
Canadian women are 36% more likely to watch threesome videos than the average porn-watching woman. French women are 103% more into Cuckold porn, and German women are 165% more into Feet. There are a lot of kinky ladies out there!

9. Young women are more into Hentai, and older women, handjobs.
Women aged 18 to 24 are 81% more into Hentai than the average female porn watcher, while women over 65 are 143% more into seeing on the big screen handjobs.
10. The country with the most female porn watchers? The Phillippines.
The Phillippines has the largest percentage of female porn consumers per country at 35%, a figure which increased by 3% in 2018 alone.
11. 60% of women say porn has improved their sex lives.
Out of how many women watch porn, this is a pretty high figure! This was found by a 2020 study conducted by adult site xHamster. The same study found that 51% of men said porn improved their sex lives - in what way, we wonder?

12. Women porn watchers are younger than men.
xHamsters study found that over one-third of female porn watchers on their site are under 24, and nearly two-thirds are under 34. With men, there is more of an even split, with about as many men over 34 watching porn as men younger than 34.
13. Women’s taste for hardcore porn is increasing.
You kinky ladies! Specifically, categories like Gangbang, Hardcore, Rough Sex, and Bondage growing more popular among women. These categories, as well as DP, made it into the most-watched categories by women in 2018, while just Gangbang made the men’s list.
14. Women spend more money than men on porn.
When it comes to what kind of porn do women watch, there seems to be one rule: quality over quantity. Apparently, women are more selective about what they watch, so more willing to fork out for porn that’s just right. Men, however, seem happier watching the free stuff.

How many women watch porn? Loads of us!
Ladies, the time has come to start talking about our sexy secrets. We’re not encouraging you to reveal the contents of your naughty bedside draw to the world (god forbid), but if we talked more openly about these things then the world would have to finally accept the truth: women have sex, women like sex, and, do women watch porn? Absolutely.
And if you fancy a night off from porn and want to add something new to your solo-time, check our guides to the best erotica websites and homemade sex toys you should try right now!