8 Expert-Approved Homemade Lubes
Lube: The ingredient that holds the sexy-sandwich together. But what to do when you reach for your draw in the heat of the moment to find your trusty bottle is empty? Tell your lover to hold on and grab one of the many lube alternatives sitting in your cupboards!

What’s the deal with homemade lubes?
Lube is good for oral, anal, vaginal sex, sex toys, sensual massage - and the list goes on. But while there are plenty of lubes out there that tingle your bits or smell like red velvet cake, there’s nothing better than natural lube alternatives that take it back to the basics.
Most standard lubes are water or silicone-based and designed not to disrupt the vagina’s pH balance. But many store-bought lubes, with their exciting flavors and scents, can irritate your private parts. Avoiding this is one of many reasons to explore lube substitutes!
While we love a homemade lube, it’s important to be careful about applying stuff to your sensitive areas - don’t just grab the nearest oil and start rubbing. Is this lube compatible with condoms? Is it good for toys? Is it safe to be applied internally?

Things to bear in mind before using lube substitutes:
- Test the product on your skin before applying it to your genitals to make sure you’re not allergic to it.
- Check expiration dates!
- Be sure, even more than usual, to pee and/or shower after sex and remove the homemade lube from your body. Some lube substitutes carry a slight risk if left in or on your body for too long.
- Most standard condoms contain latex, which is not compatible with oil-based lube alternatives. Make sure you pick a suitable homemade lube or buy latex-free condoms.
- As a standard rule, the fewer ingredients a lube contains, the more natural it is!
We’ve got all the lube alternatives info you need to go ahead and enjoy yourself. Your private parts are safe in our hands...
What can I use as lube? 8 safe and fun lube alternatives.
1. Coconut oil.
This is one of the best known homemade lubes, and that’s because it’s great! It tastes and smells good, it comes solid and then melts on your skin making it easy to use, and it’s absorbed by skin, meaning you won’t need to wipe it off your body after sex.
Coconut oil does tend to stain sheets and clothes, so be careful about getting it everywhere.
- With toys: Yes! But if you’re using it with silicone toys make sure you wash them thoroughly after use, as repeated use with coconut oil could wear them down.
- With condoms: Only latex-free ones! Otherwise, it can wear down the condom and cause it to break.

2. Sweet almond oil.
Sweet almond oil is good for moisturizing and soothing sensitive skin. Like coconut oil it smells good and is safe to eat, has staying power, and will absorb into your skin to give you a pleasant all over body moisturizer.
- With toys: Yes! But wash them thoroughly to avoid wear down.
- With condoms: Only latex-free ones.

3. Aloe vera.
Aloe vera, like coconut oil, is one of those all-purpose, magical substances. As well as healing sunburn, aloe vera’s hydrating and soothing properties make it a good homemade lube. It’s also one of the most versatile lube alternatives.
It’s worth noting that you need to buy the pure stuff, not anything from the store that calls itself “aloe vera” but is bright green and contains added ingredients like alcohol.
- With toys: Yes!
- With condoms: Yes!

4. Olive oil.
We’re back in the kitchen! Like other natural oils, olive oil’s moisturizing properties and silky texture make it a great lube. However, it’s better for external penetration or anal use as it has a slightly greater chance than another natural lube to irritate your vagina. It also won’t be absorbed by your skin, so could leave a mess.
- With toys: Yes, but wash them afterward to avoid wear.
- With condoms: Only latex-free ones.

5. Spit.
The old spit and rub - it’s a classic for a reason. Your own spit is readily available, and you don’t have to worry about bad reactions. It’s good for vaginal penetration and oral sex but not good for anal as the butt isn’t self-lubricating. Saliva dries and disappears fast, so you might want something with more staying power.
- With toys: Yes! But again, it might disappear fast.
- With condoms: Yes!

6. DIY cornstarch and water lube.
Instead of making a cake, why not make some lube? To make this all you need to do is mix 1 cup of water with 2 teaspoons of cornstarch. Bring the mixture slowly to the boil in a saucepan on low heat, stirring frequently, and after about 30 seconds it’s ready! And wait for it to cool down, of course. This is one of the most reliable lube substitutes - if you can be bothered to make it.
- With toys: Yes!
- With condoms: Yes!

7. Yogurt.
You might already know that yogurt can treat a yeast infection, but did you know it’s a good homemade lube? Good quality yogurt has a PH balance that’s good for vagina bacteria, and the texture is smooth. But while it’s safe to use it’s less popular due to the smell and potential for mess. Non-flavored yogurt only!
- With toys: Yes, but be sure to clean them thoroughly.
- With condoms: Yes!

8. Vitamin E oil.
Vitamin E oil is great if you’re experiencing dryness down there, and like other natural oil lubes, the slick, moisturizing texture is great. It will also absorb nicely into your skin and won’t make the mess that yogurt-lube will. Make sure you buy one without any added chemicals.
- With toys: Yes, but wash after use to avoid wear.
- With condoms: Only latex-free ones.

Homemade lubes to avoid.
Anything that is petroleum-based or mineral oil-based.
This includes baby oil and petroleum jelly! They are hard to wash off and can upset bacteria in your vagina. The texture of petroleum jelly also isn’t the most pleasant.
Refined oils, including vegetable and canola.
Yes, some oils make wonderful lube substitutes, but others don’t! Avoid these kinds of oils as they have been heavily processed and aren’t suitable to be on/in your genitalia.
Essential oils.
While they may smell nice and create a sexy ambiance, essential oils aren’t always safe to be applied internally as you can’t guarantee they’re natural. If you want to use essential oils as lube you’d have to mix them with a carrier oil, like coconut, and even then not use much.

Now you have the knowledge, go ahead and try something new! Novelty always makes sex more exciting. And even if you’re not fussed about going natural or saving cash, searching for these lubes in your cupboards leads us to another reason why we love homemade lubes: kitchen sex.
For more DIY sex solutions check out our favorite homemade sex toys, homemade sex toys for men, and DIY BDSM toys.