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It’s Not Weird to Like Dirty Panties: Here’s Why
Boosting Self-Confidence and Achieving Financial Freedom While Fighting a Chronic Illness
How to Successfully Sell Panties? Expert Advice From Pantydeal Sellers
Panty Buyer on Sellers: Why Panties are Such a Turn-on
Embracing Empowerment: An Interview with Honey, the Pantydeal Seller Homesteader
Our recent media publications

New York Post
"Having worn the same underpants for 48 hours — during which I’ve run 3 miles in the blistering heat — I am relieved to finally take them off. But I don’t drop them in the laundry basket.This pair of pink undies is destined for greater things: a one-way trip to Colorado, where a gentleman will do with them whatever he pleases. I charge a fixed price of $15 per pair of panties or pantyhose, which includes 48 hours of wear."
"The panty-selling business is not a new industry. People all over the world have been selling their dirty unmentionables on the internet for years. But due to a plot line containing a ring of panty-selling convicts in the latest season of Orange Is the New Black (OITNB), the biz has been experiencing a surge of new buyers and sellers."

"Are you living in a financially punishing city that you can’t afford? Does no one give a shit about your art degree? Are you barely scraping by paycheck-to-paycheck only to cry into a pile of bills at night in your tiny apartment? Are you us? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, congratulations, you’re fucking broke!"

"It's also given a small, creative, and very open-minded cadre of women an opportunity to make a decent living while significantly reducing their laundry bill. This raised many, many questions in our minds, so Cracked sat down with one of these women and asked her to walk us through the business of selling one's underwear online."
"Having worn the same underpants for 48 hours — during which she ran several kilometres in the blistering heat — one entrepreneur is relieved to finally take them off. But, she tells New York Post journalist Jane Ridley, she doesn’t drop them in the laundry basket. This pair of pink undies is destined for greater things: a one-way trip to Colorado, where a gentleman will do with them whatever he pleases. This is her story."

"I've heard the rumours that these websites were real from co-workers for years (you'd be surprised what comes up in media offices on the reg), but I always assumed it was an urban myth they joked about when short on cash. That was until today, when I read an article on US Cosmpolitan titled "I wore a pair of underwear for 3 weeks and sold them for $5000."

"Now let’s backtrack a little bit. I did some research before I simply signed up for PantyDeal. I wanted to gain some insight into how risky this line of work is, and whether or not I would actually get a good bang for my buck. Of course, the one-stop shop for popular feminism, had an “Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your Panties on the Internet” article waiting to be read."

The Dailybeast
"The sniffing used panties trend had small beginnings some twenty years ago in Japan, however men from all over the world are participating in the used pantie trade,” the site says. “Males and females have a different scent that only the opposite gender is keen to pick up on. Men who purchase used panties get an erotic thrill when they sniff the underwear, very much like some males enjoy sniffing women’s shoes."

"It's not just a plot line on Orange Is the New Black, the Netflix series that features prison inmates making money off their underwear. The market for women selling their used panties online is blowing up. The website has seen its sales skyrocket from 150 to 1,000 purchases a day, according to Dazed, which spoke to an enterprising woman involved in the exchange of cash for her worn underwear."

" Pantydeal is the largest marketplace for selling and buying worn panties of verified girls around the world. I did some research online to get a sense of how many people are making money selling panties online, and I was surprised to learn the panty trade is booming. "

" Son varios factores los que determinan el costo de una pantie usada, Mandy Reyes, portavoz de Pantydeal, uno de los sitios web más grandes dedicados a la burusera (venta de bragas usadas), nos explicó que en primer lugar, depende de la vendedora, pues será ella quien fije el precio. "
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