Erotic photography for amateur beginners

If you sell used panties for extra income or it is a trade that you are looking to get into, there are some things you could do to generate more sales and sell way more panties. This is by posting captivating, erotic photos that will invigorate the imagination of those who have a panty fetish.
Promote yourself with high quality photos
There are hundreds of fetishists online at Pantydeal customers at a time. All that stands between you and their credit card is your imagination. Take the best photos you can, putting yourself and your merchandise in the best light possible and wait for the sales.
What you need to get more sales and more $ for your panties:
All you need is a good camera and a stand so that you can pose while the camera automatically snaps away. The idea is to stimulate the imagination so be creative. The better the photos, the more money you can earn.
One way to spice up your photos is by making sure you look your best by applying make-up. Less is more when it comes to make up. Don't pile it on for photo sessions or special moments. Consider using a professional make-up artist. They are trained to understand camera lighting and angles and how to accentuate your best features and minimize flaws.
When you are ready to go, take several pictures from different angles and with different facial expressions and examine them. Do you like what you see? Too much make-up or not enough? How about the hair? If something looks off, make adjustments. Don't get tired of trying to get the perfect shot. The more attractive you look, the more you will chat with customers and the more the chance that they will buy and you will earn more money.
When thinking of the type of pictures you'll take, go for a mix of shots. Go for full length photos, close-ups, you selecting a panty to wear from an assortment you have laid out on the bed, you putting on a pair, taking it off and a mix of other shots.
How to pose in your sexy used underwear
Relax in front of the camera. Tension, uncertainty and fear will show in the photos in a strained facial expression, awkward postures where you'll be hiding rather than displaying yourself. Relax, have fun and customers will enjoy your photos. In fact, they will buy because of your photos.
Think about your background. For the sake of eroticism, choose a soft background with nice, soft lighting rather than an elaborate one. You don't want a busy background that will distract from you and your merchandise. There are several other websites selling used panties so your photos wearing used undies have to be outstanding.
As you vary your poses and the panties you are wearing, don't always look at the camera. Mystery is always intriguing. The beauty of a picture is capturing the spontaneous magic and emotion of a particular moment rather than posing for the camera. Create the best photos possible and you can even sell the fetish photos for more money.
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